Nine Tricks for Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Dried fresh fruits

9 Tricks for Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

One of the required methods in housekeeping is to know the trick of caring for fruits and vegetables according to their type; Here’s what we’ll say in this section of Wet Housekeeping Tips; with these tricks, you won’t waste food anymore (and save time and groceries).

Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

Golden tips for staying fresh and preserving fruits and vegetables


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

Rinse with vinegar; Before storing them in the refrigerator, wash the strawberries, raspberries and berries with a mixture of vinegar and water. This method of disinfection can extend the life of berries for several weeks, then rinse with water and dry completely.


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

Storage with paper towels; Have you prepared a lot of lettuce for your salad?

 Place the remaining leaves in a bowl and wrap a paper towel around it, then seal with plastic wrap.

 The napkin absorbs moisture, which is what makes lettuce leaves gray and brown; Replace the towel when it gets wet

Another trick:

Sprinkle salt on lettuce leaves, which removes more moisture from the lettuce.


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

 Wash with lemon Avocados contain enzymes that produce brown pigments when exposed to oxygen, which is why the appearance of avocados rarely looks unpleasant after being stored in the refrigerator. To prevent this, rinse it with lemon juice or lemon. Citric acid helps prevent the fruit from turning brown for at least a day. You can also store avocado slices with large chunks of onion, the same gases that burn your eyes that prevent the fruit from oxidizing when you place an onion next to the avocado. If the onion just touches the avocado skin, it will not change its taste.



Stored with water

To avoid the appearance of dried carrots, peel the leaves (carrots can remove nutrients from the roots).

Carrots need moisture, so place them in a container full of water. And seal in plastic wrap, refrigerate or refrigerate in bubble

Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

 If you do not want to keep them wet in water, just add the necessary moisture. Serve with carrots.


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

 Avoid halving If you only have a small amount of lemon for your drink or recipe, slice an area of ​​lemon with a fork or knife so you can use what you need without having to dry the whole lemon.


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

 Wrapped in pantyhose It looks weird, but with this method, enough air reaches the onion and makes it stay fresher. Simply put the onion in nylon, and tie it between each onion, of course, with a pair of new tights and Use new.


Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

Stored with apples It produces ethylene gas that can keep your potatoes fresh for more than eight weeks. Say goodbye to those annoying sprouts that appear on the potatoes after a few weeks.


Keeping its pieces in salt water Sliced ​​apples are a good food as a snack or salad, but brown spots are not attractive; Place the remaining slices in a bowl of cold salted water to prevent oxidation (but not more than 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water, otherwise the taste of the fruit will change).

Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

 After five minutes, dry your slices and put them in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.


Wrapped in aluminum foil Unlike a plastic bag, foil allows ethylene gas to escape when ethylene is trapped in a plastic bag, causing moisture and decay to occur more quickly.

Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs سبزی خشک فردوس ناب کرفس vegetables fresh fruites
Ferdows-Nab Dried Herbs

A few other housekeeping secrets for storing fruits and vegetables to keep the mushrooms fresh, it is recommended to put them in paper bags instead of plastic bags. Put leafy vegetables such as spinach in a plastic bag in the coldest part of the refrigerator to stay fresh for at least 10 days.

Store vegetables such as eggplant and squash in the refrigerator or in a sealed container in a damp environment.

Do not wash vegetables in the storage area at all, as this will provide enough moisture for the bacteria to grow, so it is best to wash them just before eating.

Put vegetables such as cabbage, from broccoli to cauliflower, in the refrigerator and wash them before each serving.

What most of you probably know: Separate ripe apples from other fresh fruits. Ripe apples emit ethylene gas, which can quickly affect other fruits.

To keep onions, garlic, shallots and potatoes fresh, never refrigerate them. Instead, place them in a cool, dark, dry place.

Fruits such as berries and cherries are best stored in the bottom of the refrigerator, but large fruits such as pears, bananas, oranges and peaches can be stored at room temperature (away from sunlight and heat, of course).

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